Today’s Police-Comunity Relations April 15, 2015


For there’s been much discussion policing in The United States and throughout the nation and round the planet about cops. News media social media, politicians and activists all have been weighing in on this particular issue. Facts, supported by signs of some kind, often get dropped to the side when the extremely ‘popular’ instances arrive at view, and the frontline and emotion wind up controlling the conversation.

Among the problems being discussed is police/community relations, the name of which is occasionally perplexing to other leaders in a community and police supervisors. Relationship or a relation is by definition a link between individuals. Some examples could be husband and wife; domestic partners; brother and sister; laborer and foreman, etc., etc. There must be at least two individuals involved to really have a relationship.

When discussing “the authorities” and “the community” there’s an implied division of forms, nearly to the stage of being a true contradiction in intent, and self defeating in nature. A “community” is a combined term, and is inclusive of all individuals within a certain place or district, that usually share an authorities, perhaps a culture or political orientation, perhaps a history, etc. Consequently, authorities are a part of “the community”. When any individual or group within the community is disconnected, where a classification happens in a community is.

Supervisors and authorities leaders frequently fall victim to the pitfalls of the negative aspects which are inherent in police work. Authorities are summoned by citizens when poor (read ‘negative’) things occur. Violence is not good; car crashes are not good, offense is not good; drug abuse is not good; gangs are not good; relatives of arrestees attempt to make cops look bad. Citizens expect, and expect authorities, to face the terrible things that happen locally.

Encompassed by the poor in a community, authorities frequently find themselves feeling a need to distinguish from others in that community. So develops the us (the authorities) and them (everyone else) approach. Following the terror strikes of 9/11, authorities discovered themselves as homeland protection, the frontline in and the federal government made military equipment accessible to local law enforcement. The wearing of military design fatigues for road obligation, and the acquisition of such, has resulted in the understanding the authorities are over-militarized. This really is a disconnect. This really is what leaders and authorities supervisors must prevent. Any disconnection together with the community at large is bad for the community at large! Making sure this disconnect will not happen is the important challenge of the second. Reinventing the authorities picture alone doesn’t repair disconnection, so does the authorities sector action non-disconnection?

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Even Celebrities Are Imperfect Human Beings March 13, 2015


Stars defy society standards

1. Businessmen, and the wealthy, and successful politicians, professionals defy the societal standards in union or live in relationship. They should pay the price for their misadventures: their political career may reach on a roadblock; the wedded life may end in a divorce or they – if converted to Muslim- will fight to stay in harmony with families and two partners.

Stars begin acting like God

2. God is omnipresent as well as a successful man also needs to be Godlike. He sees all nations within the household, and gathers artefacts from all possible states to get a perspective of the Planet, On Earth.

In India, SalarJung Museum at Hyderabad is a one man group of artefacts bought during excursions abroad in 20th century.

* A wealthy business man, paid 2 million US dollars as a tourist for a quick space visit, to have a Godly encounter. Was it a judicious manner of spending his wealth?

*Fortunately we’ve managers in Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook, and Warren Buffet, who wish to give their bundles to charity.

Stars behaviour is close

3. A governor of a state in US, a possible Presidential nominee of a European country, a top professional player in US: they all lost their family life, as well as their livelihood, as they were slave to carnal enjoyments. We refuse to learn from history. Mankind is in continuous disaster that is psychological, due to never- ending desire for carnal enjoyments.

Remedial measures

Stars are public figures and their every activity is under public inspection. They don’t have any choice but to act as role models. What’re remedial measures?.

Do not laugh at laugh with individuals, individuals

4. A star in Bollywood is a successful, company guy as owner of a Cricket team, a model, an entertainer, as well as a gentleman – faithful husband to his childhood love. All these really are the favorable characteristics of the idol that is Indian.

A human being is by default a thing that is imperfect. He laughs at his ‘senior’ – who has been a successful Bollywood star and director, decades past, but now lives in oblivion. He must learn to ‘laugh with individuals and not at individuals’. The senior performer-director was the target of the star’s jokes, because of his playing fashion that is simple.

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The Ultimate 8th Grader February 11, 2015

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